Michelle McLaughlin


Michelle McLaughlin

Being married has been an interesting and amazing journey so far. Mind you, we have been married for only 6 months, but when you go from having your own personal space to sharing a bed with someone: it changes everything. There has been times of laughter, frustration, laughter, annoyance, laughter (you see the running theme here?) but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I have learned more about myself and I've learned more about my husband. I have learned that waking up every morning and making sure you are there for your spouse is a choice. It's easy to be selfish, but since I have made my vow (that has nothing to do with how I'm FEELING at the time) to be there for him in hell or high water (and vice versa), it's us vs the world; not him vs me. And that means: communication, communication, communication! Even when I don't want to, even when my face should say it all (anyone who knows me know exactly what I mean) and even when I feel like I'm going to explode from all my emotions. But those moments are crucial and are laying the groundwork for our marriage. We want a marriage that is healthy, prosperous and full of love and faith; and to have that, it means we have to work ON it and work FOR it. 


Flowers by: Heart & Soil